Beta Release Information

RETRO//VRS is currently in Private Beta. It is designed to be used on a computer, as the mobile version is not ready yet. If you experience any bugs or issues that are not solved after reading the Known Bugs section below, please contact us at and explain the problem in as much detail as possible. Screen shots are helpful if you wish to include them. We appreciate your cooperation and patience!

– The RETRO//VRS Team

Known bugs and issues

  • Browser issues

    Though our users so far have been able to create accounts and log in using a variety of browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Brave) please note that certain browser extensions, versions and plug-ins may cause unexpected issues. In addition, the website uses Google Captcha to detect bots, which is designed to work seamlessly with Chrome-based browsers. Captcha verification tends to fail more easily on browsers like Safari and Firefox, which are not Chrome-based. If you experience issues in account creation and/or logging in, please try using a Chrome-based browser such as Google Chrome, Brave or Opera. Clearing your history and browser cookies may also help.

  • Sign up issues

    Some users have reported issues with account creation. If you did not recieve an email from RETRO//VRS after creating your account, then your account creation was most likely unsuccessful. In this case, we suggest you try using a different browser (Google Chrome or a Chrome-based browser is recommmended) and clearing your browser cookies before re-attempting. If you were on mobile, please try again on a computer.

  • Device issues

    As of our first Beta Release, the website is designed to be used on a computer, especially if you want to create an account and post an item to sell. We have also noted more issues in account creation and logins on mobile, so we ask you to use RETRO//VRS on a computer for the time being.

Important notes for beta testers

  • The website is not fully adapted for mobile yet.

    Our team is very small and we have only partially implemented mobile-responsiveness. We strongly recommend you use the website on a computer, especially if you are posting an item to sell, as your experience doing so will be much better than on a mobile phone.

  • Loading and uploading times can be slow.

    Since RETRO//VRS does not have funding yet, we are using free cloud and server options which are inevitably slower. This means loading times and more importantly, uploading times may take a while. Sellers: the submission of the Listing Form for your item is expected to take several minutes due to the uploading of several high-quality photos of your item. Please bear with us, and do not close or refresh the page while your listing form is being submitted.

  • We only accept items with a certificate of authenticity.

    In Beta, we only accept bags with a certificate of authenticity from a third-party authenticator. Uploading your certificate is the first step to listing your bag on the platform. Each certificate will be reviewed by our team and either approved or rejected. If approved, any sensitive information such as your name and email will be redacted from the certificate before we upload it to the blockchain. If you would like to post your bag but do not have a certificate yet, we may be willing to cover the cost of the authentication, depending on the bag. Please email us at to inquire about this.

  • Most info cannot be changed after submitting the Listing Form.

    Please make sure your photos are good quality and accurately represent the state of the bag (see the photo guide for reference) and double check that you have entered the correct brand, item name, color, location and so on. Once the Listing Form has been submitted, you can only edit the price, verbal description, and switch between FOR SALE and NOT FOR SALE.

  • Setting your bag as FOR SALE

    By default, a bag posted on RETRO//VRS will initially be marked as NOT FOR SALE. To set it FOR SALE, scroll down to the bottom of your item's page in the shop, and click on the button to set your item as FOR SALE. You can switch back to NOT FOR SALE at any time, provided the item has not been sold yet.